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High-quality product
We have developed our own method in order to ensure a high-quality product is completed within the designed time and profitability parameters.
From location selection to design, production and cost-effective construction, Jecama’s team has developed concise processes to mitigate the risks associated with real estate development.
The method


We use all technologies available to us to always ensure that the product we are developing will meet its objective for both the end user, owner, and society.


For the selection of the asset or building to be rehabilitated, we carry out supply and demand studies with data platforms, both for rental and for sale. This process is key to the correct selection of the asset and its design.


Due diligence

Once the asset is selected, we develop a technical and legal Due Diligence to uncover any problems that we may encounter in the licensing and construction process.


This risk identification process allows us to select projects in which we have a clear understanding of the risks and their mitigation. This process is key to the success of the selected projects.


Project Development and Financial Structure

Once the project is selected after analyzing various hypotheses and stress tests, the Jecama team, together with the Technical Management Workshop, selects the most capable team to develop the selected project. Using bidding processes, we select the actors who provide us with the most security in meeting all the technical, financial, and product parameters.


One of the keys to the success of our projects is the correct selection of the financial structure and the financial parameters of the projects. We use different financial structures depending on the needs of the project, but all of them are based on developing debt levels that help to develop the project, increase its profitability, and at the same time do not generate stress on the generation of cash flows.


Investing in a world

Investing in a world

Investing in a world

Investing in a world

Investing in a world

you want to live in

you want to live in

you want to live in

you want to live in

you want to live in